Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tip of the Day-Be Negative

How many times do you see people on the bench, struggling to press the weight, then practically letting it drop back down to their chest? Don't cheat your muscles. As crazy as this may use the same muscles to lower the weight that you do raising it! It's called the negative movement. In your next workout, focus on the negative movement and I promise you'll feel "the burn" quicker. Try to complete the same number of sets as you would in your previous workouts. You'll work your muscles almost twice as hard. Blowing through the workouts won't get you better results. Push your muscles to failure (meaning complete each set to the point when the last rep is almost impossible). Don't kill yourself, though. Know your limitations. If you end up doing 20-25 aren't moving enough weight. It's ok...bump it up. You'll feel better. Until tomorrow......